Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WIPAPA: Open paint November 27th: Waukesha and an Important Survey

Hello Fellow Plein Air Painters!

I trust you all have had a great time painting in the beautiful, warm and late autumn we have had! This e-mail brings two really important topics so please read to the end.

1. We will be painting our final open paint day of 2010 on Saturday November 27th in downtown Waukesha. We will meet at The Clinton Street Gallery (336 West Main in between The Steaming Cup and the new Clark Hotel...
http://theclintonstgallery.com) We will, as always meet at 8AM...go out to paint and then meet at the Clinton Street Gallery for critique. If the weather is really nasty I will bring some items for still life to paint indoors. The Steaming Cup would be a great place for lunch so if you can...lets plan to eat together after our critique. If you have not paid your dues for 2011 they are due now so bring them with you!!

Mark your calenders now for Saturday January 22nd. We are planning a special day of training videos, a pot-luck meal and perhaps a painting exchange (bring one -go home with a different one!) I will update you with place and time! 

2. After the 2010 Plein Air Competition Season, many members expressed an interest in having some way to evaluate the caliber of the events in Wisconsin. In response, WIPAPA is offering a survey to artists who competed in open Wisconsin events to gather their opinion on how well each event was handled, and what characteristics you look for as a participating artist.  

With the results of this survey, we will be able to create a consensus on what a successful Plein Air event consists of which, in turn, will help organizers create better events for you.  We eventually intend to offer a rating system for these events, to better inform artists interested in participating.

Please take a few moments to give us your opinion. Your privacy will be protected so please feel free to speak your mind.
Click on this link to get started:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WZCYKNT
Thank you so much. I greatly value your opinion!


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